Lecture Roundup: Jane Glavan (AGEDI) on Blue Carbon in the UAE

We recently had the pleasure of having Jane Glavan, Partnership Project Manager of the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI), walk us through what AGEDI does to help inform environmental policies, how the group put recognition on additional value of the ecosystems we love, and the importance of Blue Carbon. The importance of the ocean to human life cannot be overstated, Jane began. Healthy oceans are key to 11 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including the elimination of poverty, addressing the gender imbalance, ensuring food security, mitigating climate change and more. Globally, coastal zones support over 55% of the world’s population, but only account for 5% of world’s land mass, which places massive stress on them. In the effort to protect coastal areas in the UAE, one of AGEDI’s undertakings was to help further understand the value on nature as an asset by enumerating the ‘services’ that ecosystems provide, for instanc...